Getting the blues from time to time is normal. We all feel that way sometimes. However, if the feeling persists and/or deepens, it may be time to consider whether you’re suffering from some level of depression.

By its very nature, depression can be difficult to overcome. Common symptoms include:

  • Low self-esteem and feelings of self-doubt
  • Persistent anxiety or sadness (persistent is the key here)
  • Reduced satisfaction and enjoyment from usual activities
  • Tiredness and loss of energy
  • Unusual pessimism, hopelessness, guilt, unworthiness
  • Lower appetite and weight loss
  • Sleep issues such as waking up too early, oversleeping or insomnia

If you are experiencing depression, don’t give up hope and pull down the shades quite yet. There are several ways to deal with and even avoid depression. You have more power over your mood than you may think. The good news is that you are not alone and depression is a highly treatable condition.

First of all, resist the temptation to feel embarrassed or inadequate when you’re down. That will only exaggerate and prolong the sense of sadness or depression while simultaneously keep you from taking action. Also, these are real feelings, so resist expectations from yourself or others to “snap out of it.” Start taking action in manageable steps and celebrate as you start to feel better.

Here are some tips on how to fight depression.

Negative Self-Image and Anger

Negative self image

Watch out for slipping into a highly self-critical state of mind. We’ve all suffered disappointments and even outright failures at some point in our lives. But we usually bounce back and, hopefully, learn something positive from the experience. If a negative self-image begins to take over, it’s time to take action. Be conscious of the “self talk” or “inner voice” that’s reinforcing these feelings. Just being aware of your thoughts can bring them into the open so you can confront them and limit their power.

Depression is often based in anger. But, many times, we’re not comfortable dealing with negative emotions. Everyday irritations are part of life. But intense, deep-seated feelings can actually result in a kind of numbness and lack of feeling, including the ability to feel happy. Expressing these feelings in a rational and honest way to others you trust can go a long way toward bringing them back in line, along with countering that numb, disconnected feeling.

Diet, Exercise and Sunlight

One technique we hear a lot about is using physical activity to support a positive mood and outlook. Exercise releases brain chemicals, including endorphins, that help relieve stress and boost happiness. Exercise can also help relieve the fatigue that often accompanies depression. And don’t forget that “exercise” can be as simple as a 20-minute walk around the neighborhood. You needn’t sign up for a full membership at the gym!

The companion to exercise is a healthy diet. There are many foods that you should avoid if you’re feeling depressed, or at any time for that matter. They include alcohol, caffeine, trans fats, sugar, refined carbohydrates and preservatives. The good guys include foods or supplements with B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. And don’t miss meals if at all possible; that will only increase irritability and fatigue.

Sunlight is also a necessary ingredient in maintaining a positive mood. Get outside on your lunch break, take a walk in the park or a hike in the woods, let natural light into the house. If you think you’re susceptible to seasonal affective disorder, see your doctor.

Isolation and Involvement

Isolation and involvement

Being isolated, for most people, is an invitation for depression. You’re left to stew on your own thoughts without the distraction of having others around and the ability to share your feelings with others who would love to support you. So, get out and mingle. Stay connected.

Unfortunately, depression can make things we used to enjoy seem unexciting or not worthwhile. It’s essential to gather your willpower and do things that can make you feel positive. Even simple things like listening to music or cooking your favorite meal can make a difference.

It’s an amazing fact that laughing and smiling can actually improve your mood. So, take time to sit back and watch a comical film or read a funny book. As with some of these other techniques, you can influence your mind by what you feed it.

Taking on Too Much

A feeling of being overwhelmed can often trigger depression. Take a look at your commitments and expectations for yourself. Are you taking on too much, in general or at this particular period of time?

We all want to make the most of our lives, but it’s easy to bite off more than we can chew and that can lead to negative feelings of inadequacy.

Time for Help?

If you’ve tried some of these methods and are not succeeding in coping with a depressed mood, it may be time to seek professional assistance. Again, do not be embarrassed or self-conscious about your situation. Hopefully, the days are past when a stigma was attached to issues of mental health. Your mental wellbeing is just as important to a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle as your physical wellbeing.