Mom, can we get a kitten?

How many times have we all heard, or asked, that question at some point in our lives?

Often, the response is a firm “maybe.” Or “not right now.” The hesitation is often grounded in concerns about the responsibilities of caring for a pet. Yet those tasks can be a small price to pay for the many potential benefits of sharing our lives with an animal companion.

Cats may have nine lives, but they and other pets like dogs can help improve our own health and wellness on a daily basis.

As the Harvard Health Letter reports, there’s a biological basis for this phenomenon. "We do best medically and emotionally when we feel securely attached to another, because we're mammals and that's the way we've evolved," said Dr. Fricchione. This kind of relationship can provide a sense of purpose and a feeling of validation.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways that owning a pet can have a positive impact.

Cope with Stress

Pets can help cope with stress

Spending quiet time with a pet can offer important “me time” to refocus your attention away from high-stress situations like being a primary caregiver or other family pressures. And that applies to just about anything causing you anxiety, like a demanding work environment.

It’s easy to relax and take a deep breath while sharing a few minutes with your pet who’s simply a non-judgmental buddy.

Brighten Your Outlook

It may seem silly to feel a little pick-me-up when you come home to a dog or cat with tail wagging and head up for a quick scratch. But it’s a valid emotion, one that can last and be an antidote for loneliness. There’s also a wonderful feeling to be had by providing a home and caring for an animal that returns your love and affection.

Be Sociable

There’s something about dogs that just makes people want to talk about them and share experiences with others. It’s a great way to make social connections in the neighborhood or at the dog park. Those social interactions are not only enjoyable, but they can enhance your mood and build positive feelings.

Get Healthy

Petting an animal friend, and even being in their presence, can reduce heart rate as well as blood pressure and glucose levels. In addition, it’s been reported that interacting with a pet can have a positive effect on antibody levels. Dogs also can be a strong motivator for regular exercise.

What’s easier than hooking up the leash and taking a stroll together to help avoid cardiovascular disease and obesity? Pets can even assist in cases of addiction treatment or post-traumatic stress disorder. And they can help reduce the need for pain medications associated with surgery, arthritis or headaches.

Prep the Kids

Pets are great for kids.

Having a pet can be important for children in two ways. One is the effect it can have on building immunities. The other is in preventing allergies. Basically, we’re talking about nature’s way of providing immunotherapy through healthy exposures. Interacting with pets also helps children with their emotional development, including those with autism or ADHD. And it’s a great way to start learning about responsibility.

Age Gracefully

Animals can improve symptoms of dementia, encourage movement and boost self-esteem as we get older. A visit with a small animal can also help reduce loneliness, social withdrawal, depression and stress. These benefits apply to a wide range of animals including rabbits.

This is all wonderful news about the benefits of owning a pet, and it might motivate you to run out right now to find the perfect one. However, of course, there are some important aspects to consider. Are you ready to take on the literal care and feeding duties? Are there others who can assist? Does your home offer the right environment? Can you take on the expenses of pet ownership?

When it comes to expenses, many people today are seriously considering the benefits of pet insurance. Routine check-ups and inoculations are one thing. But an emergency or serious medical situation can become very costly.

KeenanDirect can help when it comes to insuring the health of your pet. To learn more, visit